Hi Edward,

What is the current version you are using? Starting in 0.8.1 the default
partitioner of the producer would no longer be round-robin at a per-message
level but would stick to one partition for a period (the metadata refresh
period, which is 10 min by default) and then round-robin to another
partition in the next period.



On Thu, May 1, 2014 at 3:18 PM, Edward Capriolo <edlinuxg...@gmail.com>wrote:

> After installing Kafka I did the following
> createTopic --partitions 10 -replication 1 --name mytopic
> I started producer using bin/kafka-producer-shell
> I opened two consumers in the same group using bin/kafka-consumer-shell
> In older versions this test used to result in the messages being sent by
> the producer round robin-ing between the two consumers. However I noticed
> all the messages were going to one consumer until I killed it then all the
> messages went to the other.
> I opened another producer and still all messages went to the same consumer.
> Is this just something new about the shell scripts/ or just a bug in the
> 0.8.0 version?
> Tx

-- Guozhang

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