I am integrating the Kafka JMX metrics into our own system. I am able to view the Kafka metrics via JConsole. However, pulling the metrics into my own system, using my JSON files is failing. It is unable to find the mbeans ("javax.management.InstanceNotFoundException: kafka.server:type=BrokerTopicMetrics,name=AllTopicsMessagesInPerSec"). In JConsole, "mxbean" is set to false for this, and all other Kafka metrics in the MBeans tab. I suspect that this is the reason that pulling these metrics via MBeans is failing. (I see that mxbean is set to true for some other system metrics, like java.util.logging) Is there some configuration that I need to do in my Kafka server to enable this behavior?
I looked into the documentation, but did not find a way to do this. Thanks, Priya