Jun, The detailed logs are as follows:
24.04.2014 13:37:31812 INFO main kafka.producer.SyncProducer - Disconnecting from localhost:9092 24.04.2014 13:37:38612 WARN main kafka.producer.BrokerPartitionInfo - Error while fetching metadata [{TopicMetadata for topic LOGFILE04 -> No partition metadata for topic LOGFILE04 due to kafka.common.LeaderNotAvailableException}] for topic [LOGFILE04]: class kafka.common.LeaderNotAvailableException 24.04.2014 13:37:40712 INFO main kafka.client.ClientUtils$ - Fetching metadata from broker id:0,host:localhost,port:9092 with correlation id 1 for 1 topic(s) Set(LOGFILE04) 24.04.2014 13:37:41212 INFO main kafka.producer.SyncProducer - Connected to localhost:9092 for producing 24.04.2014 13:37:48812 INFO main kafka.producer.SyncProducer - Disconnecting from localhost:9092 24.04.2014 13:37:48912 WARN main kafka.producer.BrokerPartitionInfo - Error while fetching metadata [{TopicMetadata for topic LOGFILE04 -> No partition metadata for topic LOGFILE04 due to kafka.common.LeaderNotAvailableException}] for topic [LOGFILE04]: class kafka.common.LeaderNotAvailableException 24.04.2014 13:37:49012 ERROR main kafka.producer.async.DefaultEventHandler - Failed to collate messages by topic, partition due to: Failed to fetch topic metadata for topic: LOGFILE04 24.04.2014 13:39:96513 WARN ConsumerFetcherThread-produceLogLine2_vcmd-devanshu-1398361030812-8a0c706e-0-0 kafka.consumer.ConsumerFetcherThread - [ConsumerFetcherThread-produceLogLine2_vcmd-devanshu-1398361030812-8a0c706e-0-0], Error in fetch Name: FetchRequest; Version: 0; CorrelationId: 4; ClientId: produceLogLine2-ConsumerFetcherThread-produceLogLine2_vcmd-devanshu-1398361030812-8a0c706e-0-0; ReplicaId: -1; MaxWait: 60000 ms; MinBytes: 1 bytes; RequestInfo: [LOGFILE04,0] -> PartitionFetchInfo(2,1048576) java.net.SocketTimeoutException at sun.nio.ch.SocketAdaptor$SocketInputStream.read(SocketAdaptor.java:229) at sun.nio.ch.ChannelInputStream.read(ChannelInputStream.java:103) at java.nio.channels.Channels$ReadableByteChannelImpl.read(Channels.java:385) at kafka.utils.Utils$.read(Unknown Source) at kafka.network.BoundedByteBufferReceive.readFrom(Unknown Source) at kafka.network.Receive$class.readCompletely(Unknown Source) at kafka.network.BoundedByteBufferReceive.readCompletely(Unknown Source) at kafka.network.BlockingChannel.receive(Unknown Source) at kafka.consumer.SimpleConsumer.liftedTree1$1(Unknown Source) at kafka.consumer.SimpleConsumer.kafka$consumer$SimpleConsumer$$sendRequest(Unknown Source) at kafka.consumer.SimpleConsumer$$anonfun$fetch$1$$anonfun$apply$mcV$sp$1.apply$mcV$sp(Unknown Source) at kafka.consumer.SimpleConsumer$$anonfun$fetch$1$$anonfun$apply$mcV$sp$1.apply(Unknown Source) at kafka.consumer.SimpleConsumer$$anonfun$fetch$1$$anonfun$apply$mcV$sp$1.apply(Unknown Source) at kafka.metrics.KafkaTimer.time(Unknown Source) at kafka.consumer.SimpleConsumer$$anonfun$fetch$1.apply$mcV$sp(Unknown Source) at kafka.consumer.SimpleConsumer$$anonfun$fetch$1.apply(Unknown Source) at kafka.consumer.SimpleConsumer$$anonfun$fetch$1.apply(Unknown Source) at kafka.metrics.KafkaTimer.time(Unknown Source) at kafka.consumer.SimpleConsumer.fetch(Unknown Source) at kafka.server.AbstractFetcherThread.processFetchRequest(Unknown Source) at kafka.server.AbstractFetcherThread.doWork(Unknown Source) at kafka.utils.ShutdownableThread.run(Unknown Source) Regards, Yashika ________________________________________ From: Jun Rao <jun...@gmail.com> Sent: Thursday, April 24, 2014 10:49 PM To: users@kafka.apache.org Subject: Re: Kafka Performance Tuning Before that error messge, the log should tell you the cause of the error. Could you dig that out? Thanks, Jun On Thu, Apr 24, 2014 at 10:12 AM, Yashika Gupta <yashika.gu...@impetus.co.in > wrote: > Hi, > > I am working on a POC where I have 1 Zookeeper and 2 Kafka Brokers on my > local machine. I am running 8 sets of Kafka consumers and producers running > in parallel. > > Below are my configurations: > Consumer Configs: > zookeeper.session.timeout.ms=120000 > zookeeper.sync.time.ms=2000 > zookeeper.connection.timeout.ms=120000 > auto.commit.interval.ms=60000 > rebalance.backoff.ms=2000 > fetch.wait.max.ms=60000 > auto.offset.reset=smallest > > Producer configs: > key.serializer.class=kafka.serializer.StringEncoder > request.required.acks=-1 > message.send.max.retries=3 > request.timeout.ms=60000 > > I have tried various more configuration changes but I am running into the > same exception again and again. > > 17.04.2014 06:31:83216 ERROR pool-5-thread-1 > kafka.producer.async.DefaultEventHandler - Failed to collate messages by > topic, partition due to: Failed to fetch topic metadata for topic: TOPIC99 > 17.04.2014 06:31:85616 ERROR pool-4-thread-1 > kafka.producer.async.DefaultEventHandler - Failed to collate messages by > topic, partition due to: Failed to fetch topic metadata for topic: TOPIC99 > > I am not able to get to the root cause of the issue. > Appreciate your help. > > Regards, > Yashika > > ________________________________ > > > > > > > NOTE: This message may contain information that is confidential, > proprietary, privileged or otherwise protected by law. The message is > intended solely for the named addressee. If received in error, please > destroy and notify the sender. Any use of this email is prohibited when > received in error. Impetus does not represent, warrant and/or guarantee, > that the integrity of this communication has been maintained nor that the > communication is free of errors, virus, interception or interference. > ________________________________ NOTE: This message may contain information that is confidential, proprietary, privileged or otherwise protected by law. The message is intended solely for the named addressee. If received in error, please destroy and notify the sender. Any use of this email is prohibited when received in error. Impetus does not represent, warrant and/or guarantee, that the integrity of this communication has been maintained nor that the communication is free of errors, virus, interception or interference.