Hi Team,
   I found a strange phenomenon of isr list in my kafka cluster
   When I use the tool that kafka provide to get the topic information, and it 
show isr list as following, seem it is ok
     [irt...@xseed171.kdev bin]$ ./kafka-topics.sh --describe --zookeeper,,
Topic:nelo2-normal-logs PartitionCount:3        ReplicationFactor:2     Configs:
        Topic: nelo2-normal-logs        Partition: 0    Leader: 3       
Replicas: 3,0   Isr: 0,3
        Topic: nelo2-normal-logs        Partition: 1    Leader: 0       
Replicas: 0,1   Isr: 0,1
        Topic: nelo2-normal-logs        Partition: 2    Leader: 1       
Replicas: 1,3   Isr: 1,3
  but when I use some sdk to get the meta info from broker, the isr is 
metadata:  { size: 246, 
  correlationId: 0,
  brokerNum: -1,
  nodeId: 1,
  host: 'xseed171.kdev.nhnsystem.com',
  port: 9093,
  topicNum: 0,
  topicError: 0,
  topic: 'nelo2-normal-logs',
  partitionNum: 2,
  errorCode: 0,
  partition: 0,
  leader: 3,
  replicasNum: 2,
  replicas: [ 3, 0 ],
  isrNum: 2,
  isr: [ 0, 3 ] }
metadata:  { size: 246,
  correlationId: 0,
  brokerNum: -1,
  nodeId: 1,
  host: 'xseed171.kdev.nhnsystem.com',
  port: 9093,
  topicNum: 0,
  topicError: 0,
  topic: 'nelo2-normal-logs',
  partitionNum: 1,
  errorCode: 0,
  partition: 1,
  leader: 0,
  replicasNum: 2,
  replicas: [ 0, 1 ],
  isrNum: 2,
  isr: [ 0, 1 ] }
metadata:  { size: 246,
  correlationId: 0,
  brokerNum: -1,
  nodeId: 1,
  host: 'xseed171.kdev.nhnsystem.com',
  port: 9093,
  topicNum: 0,
  topicError: 0,
  topic: 'nelo2-normal-logs',
  partitionNum: 0,
  errorCode: 0,
  partition: 2,
  leader: 1,
  replicasNum: 2,
  replicas: [ 1, 3 ],
  isrNum: 1,
  isr: [ 1 ] }

 I also use other sdk, get the same result. I check the logs from kafka, it 
seems the sdk result is right. the tool get the wrong result. why is it happend?
[2014-04-24 14:53:57,705] TRACE Broker 3 cached leader info 
 for partition [nelo2-normal-logs,1] in response to UpdateMetadata request sent 
by controller 0 epoch 10 with correlation id 13 (state.change.logger)
[2014-04-24 14:53:57,705] TRACE Broker 3 cached leader info 
 for partition [nelo2-normal-logs,2] in response to UpdateMetadata request sent 
by controller 0 epoch 10 with correlation id 13 (state.change.logger)
[2014-04-24 14:53:57,705] TRACE Broker 3 cached leader info 
 for partition [nelo2-normal-logs,0] in response to UpdateMetadata request sent 
by controller 0 epoch 10 with correlation id 13 (state.change.logger)

Best Regards

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