
I am excited to be trying out Kafka. It sounds like everything I ever wanted in 
a messaging system, but didn't have.

I am interested in using the High-Level Consumer without losing (consuming) 
messages that were read from the broker, but not processed by user code 
(exception thrown, database down, unclean consumer shutdown, whatever). I have 
read everything I can find on the subject, and the official advice has been to 
disable auto-commit of the offset, and commit explicitly at a suitable time. 
This is fair, but not entirely trivial: it applies across all threads using the 
consumer, and it is not clear what action, if any, should be taken in regards 
to rebalancing. A good reference discussion can be found at 

I also understand that there are a few improvements in the works. I already 
went ahead and voted for them in Jira.

What never seems to be discussed publicly is the fact that there IS a peek() 
method on ConsumerIterator, and it appears to be just the ticket. Is there 
anything wrong with doing something like this?

        while (it.hasNext()) {
            MessageAndMetadata<byte[], byte[]> messageAndMetadata = it.peek();
            try {
                it.next();  // processed successfully, now consume it
            } catch { ... }

In case it matters, I'm dealing with a low message rate, and tracking the 
latest official release.

Thank you,

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