My consumer configuration has auto.offset.reset=smallest will this be causing the problem for replaying the messages? I got to know why some partitions have no owners. It was my mistake i have 12 partitions but i started only 9 consumers. So when i check the Consumer Offset checker tool 3 partitions were showing "none" as the owner.
If some one can please help why we get this
[kafka.utils.ZkUtils$] conflict in /consumers/group1/owners/testtopic/2 data: group1_ip-10-164-9-107-1397047622368-c14b108b-1 stored data: group1_ip-10-168-47-114-1397034341089-3861c6cc-1
and the replay of messages i would be grateful
Arjun Narasimha Kota

On Thursday 10 April 2014 10:17 AM, Arjun wrote:
I see this a lot in the consumer logs
[kafka.utils.ZkUtils$] conflict in /consumers/group1/owners/testtopic/2 data: group1_ip-10-164-9-107-1397047622368-c14b108b-1 stored data: group1_ip-10-168-47-114-1397034341089-3861c6cc-1
I am not seeing any "expired" in my consumer logs

Arjun Narasimha Kota

On Thursday 10 April 2014 09:13 AM, Jun Rao wrote:
Do you see many rebalances in the consumer log? If so, see



On Wed, Apr 9, 2014 at 8:38 PM, Arjun <> wrote:

Hi ,

I have set up kafka 0.8 in 3 servers. I have pushed some data into these servers. The number of partitions i use is 12, with a replication factor of
We use high level consumer to consume messages. we set auto commit to
false, and we do commits almost after each and every successful message
The problem i am facing now is, If i restart my consumers, then the
messages are getting replayed.

I checked the

bin/ --group group1
--zkconnect zkhost:zkport --topic testtopic

I see a high lag in some of the partitions and some partitions have none
as the owner.
To verify consumer rebalance i used the following command

bin/ --group group1
--zookeeper.connect zkhost:zkport

but i see errors

[2014-04-10 03:24:37,832] ERROR No owner for partition [testtopic,0]
[2014-04-10 03:24:37,861] ERROR No owner for partition [testtopic,1]
[2014-04-10 03:24:37,862] ERROR No owner for partition [testtopic,2]
[2014-04-10 03:24:37,863] ERROR No owner for partition [testtopic,3]
[2014-04-10 03:24:37,864] ERROR No owner for partition [testtopic,4]
[2014-04-10 03:24:37,870] ERROR No owner for partition [testtopic,5]
[2014-04-10 03:24:37,871] ERROR No owner for partition [testtopic,6]
[2014-04-10 03:24:37,872] ERROR No owner for partition [testtopic,7]
[2014-04-10 03:24:37,873] ERROR No owner for partition [testtopic,8]
[2014-04-10 03:24:37,874] ERROR No owner for partition [testtopic,9]
[2014-04-10 03:24:37,928] ERROR No owner for partition [testtopic,9]
[2014-04-10 03:24:37,928] ERROR No owner for partition [testtopic,10]
[2014-04-10 03:24:37,930] ERROR No owner for partition [testtopic,10]
[2014-04-10 03:24:37,930] ERROR No owner for partition [testtopic,11]
[2014-04-10 03:24:37,931] ERROR No owner for partition [testtopic,11]

I have seen this (
201311.mbox/%3CCA+B+UZsnpuNicHcj6Q6yJaLccyhNmoOieM in the mail archives and i checked my
consumer log for those patterns but couldn't find any in my logs.

Can some one help me with this.

Arjun Narasimha kota

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