Hi, We have been doing some evaluation testing against Kafka.We have 48GB RAM on each broker. I created 3 broker cluster and one zookeeper and sent 10,000Messages/seconds to this cluster, continuously. Payload is very small, less than Kilobyte. Consumer was readind 5,000Messages per second.
What I noticed that, after couple of hours, entire memory was being used. There was no free memory available on those machines. I believe Kafka does use Off-Heap memory, how do reduce this consumption? How can I avoid OutOfMemory problem if this happens ? Are there any setting I need to do? I was playing with some configuration parameters and here are they - log.flush.interval.messages=100000 (default 10000) log.flush.interval.ms=60000 (default 1000) log.default.flush.scheduler.interval.ms=10000 (default 3000) log.cleanup.interval.mins=120 (default 10) Thanks, LCassa