Hey Bosky, This is super helpful, I'll make those changes on the wiki.
-Jay On Fri, Mar 21, 2014 at 12:01 PM, Bosky <bo...@helpshift.com> wrote: > Hello all, > > I've enjoyed reading the docs, and have feedback that might save other > client contributors from hours of staring at binary data and tcpdump. > > 1) Parsing kafka responses with erlang > If you're interested in erlang and the kafka wire protocol - here are my > notes from going from never working with kafka, to patching an erlang kafka > client to read metadata from a 0.8 broker > > https://coderwall.com/p/1lyfxg > > 2) Wiki suggestion > After metadata, i moved to generating produce requests, but spend 2 days to > find a subtle distinction that IMHO needs a clear note in the wiki. > > "Arrays are encoded {length(A),A} MessageSets are spec'd as Array in BNF > but encoded {byte_size(M),M}" > > There are references that suggest message sets don't have the length, but I > think it's not highlighted enough. I would even go far as to say that > MessageSets shouldnt be considered an array as well. > > > hat-tip to Snaps on #apache-kafka for lending a ear, and I look forward to > continue contributing to the ekafka erlang kafka client. > > ~Bosky | @bhaskerkode | Helpshift Inc. >