
I looked over Internet to find a service for kafka 8, but I found nothing...
Does someone know when i could found a service for kafka 8?

*I'm not sure if calling it a "service" is the right term, but I means that
i cloud use the command "service kafka8 start" or something like that!

Thank for your help!

François Langelier
Étudiant en génie Logiciel - École de Technologie
Capitaine Club Capra <http://capra.etsmtl.ca/>
VP-Communication - CS Games <http://csgames.org> 2014
Jeux de Génies <http://www.jdgets.com/> 2011 à 2014
Argentier Fraternité du Piranhas <http://fraternitedupiranha.com/> 2012-2014
Comité Organisateur Olympiades ÉTS 2012
Compétition Québécoise d'Ingénierie 2012 - Compétition Senior

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