Is there some reason that shell scripts for Windows are separated into its own dir instead being placed in <kafka_dir>/bin with other Unix ones? Most of products out there have both types of scripts in bin dir. One mroe thing, windows scripts need some corrections to be able to call them from anywhere - they need to resolve kafka base dir (0or bin dir) by resolving the dir where scripts reside (naturally "bin" directory), by using "%~dp0" for eg in "kafka-list-topics.bat" (which doesn't exist at all in windows dir): @echo off if not defined KAFKA_BIN_PATH ( set KAFKA_BIN_PATH=%~dp0 ) if "%KAFKA_BIN_PATH:~-1%" == "\" ( set KAFKA_BIN_PATH=%KAFKA_BIN_PATH:~0,-1% ) %KAFKA_BIN_PATH%\kafka-run-class.bat kafka.admin.ListTopicCommand %* Similarly, in kafka-run-class.bat there should be snippet for resolving base dir via similar fashion: if not defined KAFKA_BIN_PATH ( set KAFKA_BIN_PATH=%~dp0 ) if "%KAFKA_BIN_PATH:~-1%" == "\" ( set KAFKA_BIN_PATH=%KAFKA_BIN_PATH:~0,-1% ) set BASE_DIR=%KAFKA_BIN_PATH%\.. Moreover, windows version doesn't have log4j properties separated for starting zookeeper/kafka and those for executing tool tasks, so like Unix versions, there should be something like: IF ["%KAFKA_LOG4J_OPTS%"] EQU [""] ( set KAFKA_LOG4J_OPTS=-Dlog4j.configuration=file:"%BASE_DIR%/config/tools-log4j.p roperties" ) IF ["%KAFKA_OPTS%"] EQU [""] ( set KAFKA_OPTS=-Xmx512M -server ) .and then somewhere later to include it in execution call. set COMMAND= %JAVA% %KAFKA_OPTS% %KAFKA_LOG4J_OPTS% %KAFKA_JMX_OPTS% -cp %CLASSPATH% %* Zookeeper and Kafka startup scripts should override log4j tool settings by having for eg.: @echo off if not defined KAFKA_BIN_PATH ( set KAFKA_BIN_PATH=%~dp0 ) if "%KAFKA_BIN_PATH:~-1%" == "\" ( set KAFKA_BIN_PATH=%KAFKA_BIN_PATH:~0,-1% ) set KAFKA_LOG4J_OPTS=-Dlog4j.configuration=file:"%KAFKA_BIN_PATH%\..\config\log4 j.properties" %KAFKA_BIN_PATH%\kafka-run-class.bat org.apache.zookeeper.server.quorum.QuorumPeerMain %* -Vjeran