Are you using the 0.8.0 release?



On Wed, Jan 22, 2014 at 10:11 AM, Arathi Maddula

>  Hi,
> I have a 3 node Kafka cluster. Iam monitoring the JMX metrics of these 3
> nodes. All topics and partitions are distributed across all 3 nodes. But
> node1 is idle while node2 and node3 are actively getting input data. As per
> Unclean leader election rate should be 0 and leader election rates should
> be 0 if everything is fine. But I have non-zero values for both these items
> in Node2 and Node3(PFA screenshot of the metrics). Could these values be
> the reason why node1 is idle? How can I find out what is wrong? Any
> pointers will be helpful.
> Thanks
> Arathi

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