Are the offset used in the 2 fetch requests the same? If so, you will get
the same messages twice. You consumer is responsible for advancing the
offsets after consumption.



On Thu, Jan 9, 2014 at 1:00 PM, Gerrit Jansen van Vuuren <> wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm writing a custom consumer for kafka 0.8.
> Everything works except for the following:
> a. connect, send fetch, read all results
> b. send fetch
> c. send fetch
> d. send fetch
> e. via the console publisher, publish 2 messages
> f. send fetch :corr-id 1
> g. read 2 messages published :offsets [10 11] :corr-id 1
> h. send fetch :corr-id 2
> i. read 2 messages published :offsets [10 11] :corr-id 2
> j.  send fetch ...
> The problem is I get the messages sent twice as a response to two separate
> fetch requests. The correlation id is distinct so it cannot be that I read
> the response twice. The offsets of the 2 messages are are the same so they
> are duplicates, and its not the producer sending the messages twice.
> Note: the same connection is kept open the whole time, and I send
> block,receive then send again, after the first 2 messages are read, the
> offsets are incremented and the next fetch will ask kafka to give it
> messages from the new offsets.
> any ideas of why kafka would be sending the messages again on the second
> fetch request?
> Regards,
>  Gerrit

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