Hi, I am currently benchmarking Kafka against ActiveMQ and I got some results the surprised my quite a lot. ActiveMQ managed to deliver 4x more messages when running locally. But from all what I was reading I am a little bit surprised. Honestly I expected Kafka to outperform ActiveMQ. Some I am left with the feeling that I configured some wrong or did any kind of other mistake.
My setup looks like this: - One local broker - 10 Topic / Queues - 1 producer that dispatches messages randomly to the topics - 1 consumer per topic I basically used the example on the Kafka web page. Also I encountered some issues when increasing the number of topics, lets say 100. In this case the consumer cannot connect the Zookeeper... Does anybody has an idea how to improve the performance? Thx, Klaus -- -- Klaus Schaefers Senior Optimization Manager Ligatus GmbH Hohenstaufenring 30-32 D-50674 Köln Tel.: +49 (0) 221 / 56939 -784 Fax: +49 (0) 221 / 56 939 - 599 E-Mail: klaus.schaef...@ligatus.com Web: www.ligatus.de HRB Köln 56003 Geschäftsführung: Dipl.-Kaufmann Lars Hasselbach, Dipl.-Kaufmann Klaus Ludemann, Dipl.-Wirtschaftsingenieur Arne Wolter