Yes, I'm running 0.7.2. I think Guozhang Wang found the root of the problem: 
The tool expected the broker info string to be in the format of host:port, and 
only 1 ":" in the string.



-----Original Message-----
From: Jun Rao [] 
Sent: Friday, December 13, 2013 8:00 PM
Subject: Re: ConsumerOffsetChecker not able to parse broker info

The ZK format is for 0.7.2. Are you using 0.7.2 ConsumerOffsetChecker?



On Fri, Dec 13, 2013 at 4:36 PM, Xuyen On <> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I'm running Kafka 0.7 and I'm having problems running the 
> ConsumerOffsetChecker.
> I have messages loaded in a topic called eventdata and I can consume 
> the messages fine but when I try to run ConsumerOffsetChecker I get 
> the following error:
> [2013-12-13 12:24:48,034] INFO zookeeper state changed (SyncConnected)
> (org.I0Itec.zkclient.ZkClient)
> xon,eventdata,1-0 (Group,Topic,BrokerId-PartitionId)
>             Owner = null
>   Consumer offset = 27199655
>                   = 27,199,655 (0.03G)
> [2013-12-13 12:24:48,223] ERROR Could not parse broker info
> prdslsldstkfk01-1384813902983:prdslsldstkfk01:909
> 2 ($)
> xon,eventdata,1-1 (Group,Topic,BrokerId-PartitionId)
>             Owner = null
>   Consumer offset = 26759625
>                   = 26,759,625 (0.02G)
> xon,eventdata,1-2 (Group,Topic,BrokerId-PartitionId)
> I looked in zookeeper and I see that I have
> prdslsldstkfk01-1384813902983:prdslsldstkfk01:909
> 2 for my /brokers/ids/1 entry in Zookeeper and it seems that Kafka is 
> not able to parse this broker from this string. Can anyone tell me 
> what is wrong with it? Does it have to be in some other format or is 
> there some information missing?

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