Hi All, I am using kafka 0.8.
My producers configurations are as follows kafka8.bytearray.producer.type=sync kafka8.producer.batch.num.messages=100 kafka8.producer.topic.metadata.refresh.interval.ms=600000 kafka8.producer.retry.backoff.ms=100 kafka8.producer.message.send.max.retries=3 My Kafaka server. properties are as # The number of messages to accept before forcing a flush of data to disk log.flush.interval.messages=500 # The maximum amount of time a message can sit in a log before we force a flush log.flush.interval.ms=100 # Per-topic overrides for log.flush.interval.ms #log.flush.intervals.ms.per.topic=topic1:1000, topic2:3000 Specified Sync property in producer. properties file # specifies whether the messages are sent asynchronously (async) or synchronously (sync) producer.type=sync My consumer is running in a separate jar. Consumer config are zookeeper.connect=IP group.id=consumerGroup fetch.message.max.bytes=1000000000 zookeeper.session.timeout.ms=60000 auto.offset.reset=smallest zookeeper.sync.time.ms=200 auto.commit.enable=false If my data generator and consumer are running parallel and suddenly kafka is restarted, less records are consumed then expected. e.g. If i set the number of records to be produce are 3000 after that it throws an exception. My consumer runs in parallel to that, mean while if i restart my kafka ,my consumer is only able to get 2400 approx records. approximately 600 records are missing even if i am running kafaka in synchronized mode. I am not able to know why this data lose is happening. If you have any idea regarding this. Please help me to know what i am missing here in this case. Regards, Nishant Kumar