Hi All I am using Kafka 0.8 , with inbuilt zookeeper. I am runnings consumers in a jar.
Configuration properties for creating consumerConfig : - zookeeper.connect=IP group.id=consumerGroup fetch.message.max.bytes=1000000000 zookeeper.session.timeout.ms=60000 auto.offset.reset=smallest zookeeper.sync.time.ms=200 auto.commit.enable=false While running it, some times the consumer gets stuck on the message stream creation call i.e ConsumerConfig consumerConfig = new ConsumerConfig(this.props); ConsumerConnector consumerConnector = Consumer .createJavaConsumerConnector(consumerConfig); *Map<String, List<KafkaStream<byte[], byte[]>>> messageStreamMap = consumerConnector .createMessageStreams(topicMap)*; I have tested this thing on a number of partition settings , i.e 1,2,5 etc. Whenever the consumer gets stuck, i have to kill the jar, and start it again. This thing happens only a select couple of times , i.e 2 or 3 times out of 10, and for rest of the times, the consumer starts fine. Is there some property configuration that i may have been missing, that's causing this inconsistent behaviour ? Any guidance would be of great help. Thanks Tarang Dawer