So I've run into a problem where occasionally, some partitions within a
topic end up in a "none" owner state for a long time.

I'm using the high-level consumer on several machines, each consumer has 4

Normally when I run the ConsumerOffsetChecker, all partitions have owners
and similar lag.

Occasionally I end up in this state:

trackingGroup   Events2                        32  552506856
569853398       17346542        none
trackingGroup   Events2                        33  553649131
569775298       16126167        none
trackingGroup   Events2                        34  552380321
569572719       17192398        none
trackingGroup   Events2                        35  553206745
569448821       16242076        none
trackingGroup   Events2                        36  553673576
570084283       16410707        none
trackingGroup   Events2                        37  552669833
569765642       17095809        none
trackingGroup   Events2                        38  553147178
569766985       16619807        none
trackingGroup   Events2                        39  552495219
569837815       17342596        none
trackingGroup   Events2                        40  570108655
570111080       2425            trackingGroup_host6-1384385417822-23157ae8-0
trackingGroup   Events2                        41  570288505
570291068       2563            trackingGroup_host6-1384385417822-23157ae8-0
trackingGroup   Events2                        42  569929870
569932330       2460            trackingGroup_host6-1384385417822-23157ae8-0

I'm at the point where I'm considering writing my own client but hopefully
the user group has the answer!

I am using this commit of 8.0 on both the brokers and clients:

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