Thanks for everyone's reply and trying to help me.  I think I got the test
producer program to work but I don't know why.

Again, using the test code found at
the producer straight from the website didn't work.  However, when I
changed the following line from

KeyedMessage<String, String> data = new KeyedMessage<String, String>(
"page_visits", ip, msg);
KeyedMessage<String, String> data = new KeyedMessage<String, String>(
"page_visits", null, msg);

all of a sudden, the consumer gets the messages from my test producer
program.  Why does this work when the partition is equal to null and not
work out of the box with the partition equal to ip.  Is there a bug with
the program that's posted in the link or is there some config that's
required that's not listed on the links?

Thanks again for everyone's help.  I really appreciate the community
replying and coming to help me.

On Fri, Nov 8, 2013 at 1:20 PM, Chris Bedford <> wrote:

> I had some trouble with maven dependencies when i tried to get a simple
> round trip test going.   I  worked past those and made my test available
> here:
> it should run out of the box.
> -cb
> On Thu, Nov 7, 2013 at 5:35 PM, S L <> wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > This might be a really, really simple question but how do I get my test
> > Kafka program working out of the box?  I followed the directions from
> >  I started zk,
> the
> > server, the producer and consumer.  I played with the producer, sending
> > msgs to the consumer, which I saw show up in its terminal.  This was to
> the
> > "page_visits" topic, as specified in the example program.
> >
> > I then went to
> >
> > copied the files into netbeans and built it.  I also added jar files
> > kafka-assembly-0.8.0-deps.jar and kafka_2.8.0-0.8.0-beta1.jar to make the
> > build work if that makes a difference.
> >
> > Anyway, I then ran java -jar myjar.jar.  I expected to see a message show
> > up in the consumer, but nothing shows up.  I sent another msg from the
> > producer just to make sure the consumer was still connected, which it was
> > b/c the consumer received it.
> >
> > I'm at wits end.  I know this is an extremely simple question and
> > everything looks identical to the links above and should be working.
> >  However, I'm not getting a message in the consumer.  Much thanks for any
> > help you can give me.  I'm about to ram my head into a wall.
> >
> --
> Chris Bedford
> Founder & Lead Lackey
> Build Lackey Labs:
> Go Grails!:

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