Agree that it is somewhat awkward to use zookeeper for broker discovery on
consumer, but a broker list on the producer. There were a couple of
discussions on the mailing list suggesting using zookeeper on the producer,
at least for discovering the brokers for the first time. However, we are
starting on the Client Rewrite project which is targeted for 0.9. That is
something we can consider changing on Kafka 0.9. If there is sufficient
interest, we can look making the zookeeper config change on the producer
soon. But that is something to discuss on a JIRA.


On Wed, Oct 30, 2013 at 9:53 AM, Roger Hoover <>wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm still getting started with Kafka and was curious why there is an
> asymmetry between the producer and consumer APIs.  Why does the producer
> config take a list of brokers where as the consumer config takes a list of
> brokers?
> Thanks,
> Roger

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