Thanks, I did just that, I found the kafka github repo, grabbed the 0.8
branch and it builds fine now. Any thoughts on the OSGi support question?

On 10/30/13, 4:00 PM, "Joe Stein" <> wrote:

>Can you go off the 0.8 branch please? We're in the process of the 0.8.0
>release so if you still have problems that were not resolved we can know
>what they are.
> Joe Stein
> Founder, Principal Consultant
> Big Data Open Source Security LLC
> Twitter: @allthingshadoop
>On Oct 30, 2013, at 6:26 PM, "Ngu, Bob" <> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I decided to start a new thread regarding Kafka 0.8 beta1 support for
>>Scala 2.10.2 and OSGi. I asked about 2.10.2 in a different thread
>> I am using Maven to build my Scala library but to resolve the bad POM
>> definition issue,, I
>> added all the required dependencies to my POM and thought I had to use
>> Scala 2.9.2 but it seems to build just fine with 2.10.2, this should be
>> fine, right?
>> However, I am getting java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:
>>scala/reflect/ClassManifest error calling ProducerConfig
>>  val config = new ProducerConfig(props)
>> I believe this is because Kafka is built with 2.9.2 so I made the
>>following changes to Build.scala
>>  scalaVersion := ³2.10.2² ,
>>  publishTo := Some(Resolver.file("file",  new
>> I should be able to run ³sbt publish² to my local maven repository.
>>However, I also need to package this library in OSGi format since I am
>>using the library in OSGi, does anyone know if this works in OSGi? I
>>would also need to include addSbtPlugin("com.typesafe.sbt" % "sbt-osgi"
>>% "0.4.0²) for OSGi bundling.
>> Thanks for any help!
>> Bob

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