I have 2 nodes kafka cluster with default.replication.factor=2,is set in
server.properties file.

I removed one node-in removing that node,I killed Kafka process,removed all
the kafka-logs and bundle from that node.

Then I stopped my remaining running node in the cluster and started
again(default.replication.factor is still set to 2 in this node
server.properties file).
I was expecting some error/exception as now I don't have two nodes in my
cluster.But I didn't get any error/exception and my node successfully
started and I am able to create topics on it.

So should the "default.replication.factor" be updated from
"default.replication.factor=2" to "default.replication.factor=1" , in the
remaining running node?

Similarly if there are two external zookeeper
nodes(zookeeper.connect=host1:port1,host2:port1) in my cluster and now I
have removed one zookeeper node(host1:port1) from the cluster,So should the
property "zookeeper.connect" be updated from
(zookeeper.connect=host1:port1,host2:port1) to


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