Thanks all. In this case, restarting the broker fixed it. It was due to an 
usual high volume of messages in one topic.

On Sep 27, 2013, at 12:16 AM, Neha Narkhede <> wrote:

> I think you may be asking a slightly different question. If a broker falls
> out of ISR and does not rejoin the ISR, it may point to some bottleneck
> (e.g. local IO), fewer partitions for large topics or some fatal error
> causing the ReplicaFetcherThread to die. Just restarting the broker without
> knowing the root cause might not always make the broker rejoin ISR.
> Thanks,
> Neha
> On Sep 26, 2013 12:48 PM, "Calvin Lei" <> wrote:
>> Is restarting the broker the only way to put a broker back to the isr?
>> Thanks
>> Cal

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