
I have a cluster with:
* three nodes: rb01, rb02 and rb03
* three topics: rb_event, rb_monitor, rb_flow
* three partitions per topic
* replicas 2

The current status is:

Topic      Partition  Leader  Replicas             In-Sync replicas
rb_event   0          2       2,1                  2,0
           1          2       1,2                  2,0
           2          2       1,2                  2
rb_flow    0          2       1,2                  2,0
           1          2       2,0                  2,0
           2          0       0,1                  0,1
rb_monitor 0          2       1,2                  2
           1          2       2,1                  2,0
           2          0       0,2                  2,0

I see something strange. For example:

* rb_event -> partition 0 has replicas 2,1 but In sync replicas are 2,0
 -> that is normal ???

And the worst it when I try to reassign propertly the partitions:

The kafka-reassign-partitions.sh  tries to write
to /admin/reassign_partitions the following:


When I access to zookeeper I do see:
[zk: rb02:2181,rb01:2181,rb03:2181(CONNECTED) 3] get
{ "partitions":[ { "partition":2, "replicas":[ 1, 2 ], "topic":"rb_monitor"
}, { "partition":0, "replicas":[ 2, 0 ], "topic":"rb_monitor" }, {
"partition":1, "replicas":[ 0, 1 ], "topic":"rb_monitor" }, {
"partition":0, "replicas":[ 0, 1 ], "topic":"rb_event" }, { "partition":2,
"replicas":[ 2, 0 ], "topic":"rb_event" } ], "version":1 }

And keep there for ever

What can I do ?



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