
I am trying to understand how fast is kafka 0.7 compared to what I can get
from hard drive. In essence I have 3 questions.

In all tests below, I'm using single broker with single one-partitioned
topic. Kafka perf tests have been run in 2 deployment configs:
- broker, perf-test on same host
- broker, perf-test on different hosts (the results are practically the
same, so wont post them here)

I'm using FIO(http://freecode.com/projects/fio) to benchmark speed of hard

Hardware I'm using:
1) m1.xlarge with ephemeral storage, 4 core cpu, 16 GB ram
2) hi1.4xlarge  with SSD, 16 core cpu, 64 GB ram
3) desktop machine with 7200 rpm sata, 4 core cpu, 8 GB ram

Kafka broker config:
Oracle jdk 1.6.0_38,  -Xmx2048

num.threads=[num of cores]

For kafka-producer-perf-test I'm assuming that IO access pattern is
sequential write.

Here is the test I ran with FIO:


Here is kafka performance test:

./bin/kafka-producer-perf-test.sh -topic "perf" --batch-size 3000
--messages 50000000 --message-size 1300 --brokerinfo
broker.list=0:host:9092 --threads [number-of-cores]

|           |   m1.xlarge            |    hi1.4xlarge       |  desktop
|  kafka  |     41 MB/s           |      217 MB/s       |     42 MB/s   |
|  fio      |     106 MB/s          |      377 MB/s       |    74 MB/s   |

Question 1: The proportion (~1/2) is pretty stable against different kind
of hardware I've tried. Is it as expected? Can something be done to improve

I've tried to play with:

Like increasing 10 times, or decreasing 10 times, but haven't seen much of
a difference in IO  throughput

The other thing that bugs me much more is that kafka consumer speed on cold
IO cache is like 5-50 times slower from what I can get with "sequential
read" fio test.

For kafka-consumer-perf-test I'm assuming that IO access pattern is
sequential read.

Here is FIO test:

ioengine=sync   # I know that kafka use sendfile, but sync should be
slower, right?

Here what I'm doing with kafka-consumer-perf-test:

kafka-consumer-perf-test.sh -topic "perf" --messages 50000000 --zookeeper
host:2181 --threads 1 --socket-buffer-size 16777216 --fetch-size 16777216

The broker config is  the same.

I'm dropping IO cache before running tests: echo 3 >

|           |   m1.xlarge            |    hi1.4xlarge              |
 desktop    |
|  kafka  |    25   MB/s           |     10  MB/s   (???)    |   20  MB/s  |
|  fio      |   130   MB/s          |     450  MB/s             |    67
MB/s  |

Question 2: Can something be done to improve consumer performance?

Question 3 (most improtant for me): What might be the reasons for consumer
to behave so badly on fastest hardware available? I see in iostat, that
consumer really does very little read requests to hard drive

Device:         rrqm/s   wrqm/s     r/s     w/s    rkB/s    wkB/s avgrq-sz
avgqu-sz   await r_await w_await  svctm  %util
xvdb              0.00     0.00  144.00    0.00  6144.00     0.00    85.33
    0.06    0.42    0.42    0.00   0.08   1.20

And cpus are idling

avg-cpu:  %user   %nice %system %iowait  %steal   %idle
           2.16    0.00    0.09    0.06    0.03   97.66

Besides that, even if the whole topic is in IO cache, the consumer speed is
about 45 MB/s which is still quite below my expectations.

And the picture doesn't change in different deployment configs (broker and
test on same node or 2 different nodes)

Any ideas why this might happen?

Rafael Bagmanov,
Grid Dynamics.

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