We are thinking about using Kafka to collect events from our Rails application and I was hoping to get some input from the Kafka community.
Currently the only gems available are: https://github.com/acrosa/kafka-rb https://github.com/bpot/poseidon (Can't use since we are only running 1.8.7) Now neither of these integrate with Zookeeper so we are missing quite a few features: - Auto discovery of brokers - Auto discover of partitions for consumers - … fill in the rest here, new to Kafka so don't know everything that is missing I was wondering what my best options are going forward with Kakfa? I think we have the following choices A) Instead of writing directly to Kafka from our application we can write our events/messages to some other source (Syslog, File, ?) and then have a separate Java process that reads these sources and writes to Kafka. This is a little annoying since we now have to worry about every machine also running the above separate process to write to Kafka. B) Work around the above limitations. Auto-discover of brokers is terrible since we don't foresee us adding/removing brokers that frequently. The lack of auto-discover of partitions is definitely a loss since we now have to know which broker/partition to read from at all times. Of course we can just write to Kafka using the above Gems and have our consumers written in another language. C)? Any thoughts/opinions? Thanks - M