Hi , I am trying to enable gzip compression for my events. But after I switched compression.codec to "1" I found the produced events were even not be persisted to disk log file. Of course, the consumer could not receive any compressed events. I sent 10,000 or more events but the broker's log file not changed. Seems no events were actually send to broker? Below is my producer's code:
Properties props = new Properties(); props.put("serializer.class", "kafka.serializer.StringEncoder"); props.put("metadata.broker.list", ""); props.put("partitioner.class", "kafka.producer.DefaultPartitioner"); props.put("queue.enqueue.timeout.ms", "-1"); props.put("request.required.acks", "0"); props.put("producer.type", "async"); props.put("batch.num.messages", "100"); props.put("compression.codec", "1"); ProducerConfig config = new ProducerConfig(props); producer = new Producer<String, String>(config); KeyedMessage<String, String> data = new KeyedMessage<String, String>("topic1", messageStr, msg); producer.send(data); If I comment out this line of code : props.put("compression.codec", "1"); then everything works fine. Did I miss something? thanks, xlu