Thank you Neha, it's very helpful information! I also read this article For the section "Handling Failures", I am wondering some questions:
1. "The leader and the ISR for each partition are also stored in Zookeeper and are used during the failover of the controller." What path does it be stored ? Is there any way to see the information on zookeeper ? 2. If the controller fail, how does the new controller be elected ? Does it be elected by Zookeeper ? How does Zookeeper decide which node should be the controller ? Many thanks! On Fri, Aug 23, 2013 at 11:59 AM, Neha Narkhede <>wrote: > The replication state machine and leader election mechanism is described > here - > > Let us know how the docs can be improved. > > Thanks, > Neha > > > On Thu, Aug 22, 2013 at 8:51 PM, James Wu <> wrote: > > > Hi, > > > > I am wondering what is the mechanism that Kafka elects the leader of > > partitions ? > > > > Does it handle by the controller process or ? > > If the leader crashed, who will decide the new leader ? and the process > is > > running on Zookeeper or Kafka? > > > > > > Thanks. > > > > -- > > -- > > Friendly regards, > > > > *James Wu <>* > > > -- Friendly regards, *James Wu <> *