Hello Rajasekar,

Are the size of the source cluster and target cluster the same?


On Thu, Aug 22, 2013 at 2:14 PM, Rajasekar Elango <rela...@salesforce.com>wrote:

> Hi,
> We are using mirrormaker to replicate data between two kafka clusters. I am
> seeing huge difference in size of log in data dir between the broker in
> source cluster vs broker in destination cluster:
> For eg: Size of ~/data/Topic-0/ is about 910 G in source broker, but only
> its only 25G in destination broker. I see segmented log files (~500 M) is
> created for about every 2 or 3 mins in source brokers, but I see segmented
> log files is created for about every 25 mins in destination broker.
> I verified mirrormaker is doing fine using consumer offset checker, not
> much lag, offsets are incrementing. I also verified that topics/partitions
> are not under replicated in both source and target cluster. What is the
> reason for this difference in disk usage?
> --
> Thanks,
> Raja.

-- Guozhang

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