
Did you see this error in the broker 3's log, right after it was restarted?
One of the reasons for this error is that the broker hasn't received the
first LeaderAndIsr request from the controller yet. When a broker starts
up, the only way it knows what partitions it owns is through the first
LeaderAndIsr request. However, I think we can improve the log message to
mention this. Do you mind filing a JIRA for this improvement?

Also, do you keep seeing this error or does the broker recover after some


On Thu, Aug 22, 2013 at 12:46 PM, Yu, Libo <> wrote:

> This is from the broker 3's log:
> [2013-08-22 15:40:02,984] WARN [KafkaApi-3] Fetch request: Partition [tes
> t.replica1.default,0] doesn't exist on 3 (kafka.server.KafkaApis)
> Here is what list topic command shows:
> topic: test.replica1.default    partition: 0    leader: 3       replicas:
> 3     isr: 3
> topic: test.replica1.default    partition: 1    leader: 1       replicas:
> 1     isr: 1
> topic: test.replica1.default    partition: 2    leader: 2       replicas:
> 2     isr: 2
> Any idea on where the warning is from?
> Regards,
> Libo

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