
For (1) can you clarify what you mean by "multiplied" consumer configs?
For (2) the mirror-maker actually uses the high level consumer.



On Sun, Jul 14, 2013 at 7:43 AM, Calvin Lei <> wrote:
> Hi all,
>     I have two questions regarding setting up mirror maker for our cross 
> cluster replication (DC1 to DC2, for instance)
>     1. In what use case you would want to specify multiplied consumer configs?
>     2. It seems like the consumer inside the mirror is a SimpleConsumer. Is 
> it possible to switch it to HghLevelConsumer? Assuming our DC2 is down, I 
> would shut down the mirror until DC2 is back up. Once it is up, I want the 
> mirror to pick up when it is left off and start replicating messages that has 
> not been delivered to DC2. By using a Highlevel consumer, that kind of 
> behavior is built in because the offset is being saved in the DC1 zookeeper. 
> am i correct?
> thanks,
> Cal

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