Hi there, when issuing offsetrequests with this payload: { "requestMessage": { "API_KEY": 2, "replicaId": 0, "topics": [ { "topicName": "myTopic", "partitions": [ { "partitionId": 0, "time": 10000, "maxNumberofOffsets": 10 } ] } ] }, "correlationId": 1979, "clientId": "foo" }
I'm getting back: { "topics": [ { "partitionOffsets": [ { "partitionId": 0, "errorCode": 0, "offset": 0 } ], "topicName": "myTopic" } ], "responseSize": 31, "correlationId": 1979, "byteLength": 35 } It would be ok if not the fact that while reading the bytes from the server, when I get to the offset position, there's only 4 bytes left, not 8 as expected. I've fixed this on my code by reading only an Int32 instead. Is this a bug? Regards -- The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.