Also, there are several key metrics on the broker and client side - we
should compile a list and put it on a wiki. Can you file a jira for

On Mon, Jul 1, 2013 at 1:26 PM, Joel Koshy <> wrote:
> CSVreporter is probably not an ideal fit for production monitoring -
> we use it for getting stats out of period system test runs.
> For production monitoring you are probably better off reading off JMX
> and feeding your monitoring system of choice. You can also write a
> custom metrics reporter and additionally implement
> KafkaMetricsReporter (see KafkaCSVMetricsReporter.scala for an
> example) and plug it in the KafkaConfig. Your custom metrics reporter
> can directly feed into your monitoring system. E.g., if you use
> graphite, you can write a KafkaGraphiteReporter that wraps the
> GraphiteReporter that coda hale metrics provides.
> Joel
> On Mon, Jul 1, 2013 at 11:21 AM, Vadim Keylis <> wrote:
>> Good morning. What is the best way to monitor kafka through jmx or by
>> enabling kafka.csv.metrics.reporter.enabled?
>> What are the important metrics in JMX to watch for and/or graph?
>> What are the important metrics in csv files to watch for and/or graph?
>> Thanks,
>> Vadim

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