Since broker A persists all messages on disk, the buffer is the on-disk
file (with recent data cached in file system buffer).



On Fri, Jun 28, 2013 at 5:41 PM, Yu, Libo <> wrote:

> Hi,
> Assume A and B are two brokers in a kafka server. And there is long network
> Latency between A and B. For a partition with two replications, one
> replication
> Is assigned to A and the other is assigned to B. Number of acknowledge is
> set
> to one. Assume the partition is handled by broker A.
> After a message is accepted and saved by A, ack will be sent and the
> message
> will be sent to broker B at the same time. But due to long network latency
> between
> A and B, it is possible that B lags behind A. In this case, is there a
> buffer on broker A
> that holds all messages to be written to B? Is there any limit on the lag
> between A
> and B?
> Compare with the case when there is no network latency between A and B, any
> difference in publishing speed?
> Thanks
> Libo

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