If leader is -1, that indicates the partition is unavailable. Were replicas
4,2,3 all down at that time? If so, you need to start at least one of those
brokers to make the partition available again.



On Wed, Jun 19, 2013 at 5:05 AM, Yogesh Sangvikar <
yogesh.sangvi...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Team,
> Please help to understand following questing as we are planning to use
> kafka 0.8 in our production,
> 1. We found the 'leader: -1' state, when the leader selection will happen
> for such partitions? Does the partition data will be unavailable till that
> time?
> example:
> topic: test1    partition: 0    leader: -1      replicas: 4,2,3 isr:
> topic: test1    partition: 1    leader: 0       replicas: 0,3,4 isr: 0,4
> topic: test1    partition: 2    leader: 1       replicas: 1,4,0 isr: 1,0,4
> 2. Do we need to restart the brokers to update the isr entries to remove
> the unavailable brokers?
> Thanks,
> Yogesh Sangvikar

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