There is no easy way to do this in 0.7. If you are using a VIP to produce data to Kafka, you can remove that broker host from the VIP. It will still be available for consumer reads until it is shut down but won't accept new data from the producer. In 0.8, since there are many replicas, you will not need to drain a broker. You can just take it offline.
Thanks, Neha On Fri, May 17, 2013 at 10:52 AM, Adam Phelps <> wrote: > We have a realtime analysis system setup using a Kafka 7 cluster to > queue incoming data, but occasionally have a need to take one of the > nodes offline. Is there a method to set a broker to be read-only so > that we can drain unprocessed data from it prior to shutting it down? > > - Adam >