Hi Rob,
more-less I agree with you.

Specifically, the first approach (here I agree with you) is very long but those are the exact steps you need to have a fully working environment, starting from scratch. I agree that are a lot of steps but trust me: it takes just 5 minutes.

But the second approach should be exactly what you are looking for: checkout sources, sbt eclipse and import project...

Maybe this latter should be positioned before the manual approach?

I love Maven too, but unfortunately AFAIK there's nothing like m2e (with the wonderful "checkout as Maven project" add-on).


On 05/11/2013 10:57 PM, Rob Withers wrote:
Well, thank you for the pointer but the result is less than desirable. I decided not to waste my time and count the unnumbered steps, after I got past 3.

The Rule of the Trinity: there should be no more than 3 simple steps to build a functioning foundation or survive failure or establish principles to live life by, which is really only the first 2 restated.

Is there nascent maven support to let me d/l eclipse, d/l kafka, mvn eclipse:eclipse, then import the project into eclipse...I call that 3 steps, since I already have step 0: eclipse. eclipse, eclipse, eclispe... :)


-----Original Message----- From: Andrea Gazzarini
Sent: Saturday, May 11, 2013 12:15 PM
To: users@kafka.apache.org
Subject: Re: eclipse project/classpath files for 0.8?


Is that close to what you were looking for?


On 05/11/2013 06:17 PM, Rob Withers wrote:
Could anyone throw me a nice shiny knuckle bone, please? Smile

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