For #1, yes, a server restart is needed to pick up the new config.

For #2, which version of Kafka are your using?



On Fri, May 3, 2013 at 1:55 PM, Yu, Libo <> wrote:

> More detail for question 2:
> For 5 topic case, 20 producers produce to each topic.
> For 10 topic case, 10 producers produce to each topic.
> Libo
> From: Yu, Libo [ICG-IT]
> Sent: Friday, May 03, 2013 4:48 PM
> To: ''
> Subject: a few questions about kafka usage
> Hi,
> Question 1: If I changed and added or modified the
> following line:
>                 ,
> topic2:3000
>                       Do I have to restart the server to pick up the
> change?
> Question 2: I have three machines with one broker on each of them. 100
> producers are
>                       running on the same three machines. The producers
> will produce 1M
>                       20k-byte messages altogether. The batch size is
> fixed at 100. For 5 topics
>                       each with five partitions, the performance is
> extremely good. For each topic,
>                      30k messages were produced per second . For 10 topics
> with 10 partitions,
>                      the performance is really bad. For each topic, 400
> messages were produced
>                      per second. The gap is so huge. Any insight on what
> may cause the difference?
> Regards,
> Libo

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