That logic in 0.7.2 seems correct. Basically, firstAppendTime is set on
first append to a log segment. Then, later on, when a new message is
appended and the elapsed time since firstAppendTime is larger than the roll
time, a new segment is rolled. Is your data constantly being produced?



On Thu, Apr 25, 2013 at 12:44 PM, Dan Frankowski <> wrote:

> We are running Kafka 0.7.2. We set log.roll.hours=1. I hoped that meant
> logs would be rolled every hour, or more. Only, sometimes logs that are
> many hours (sometimes days) old have more data added to them. This perturbs
> our systems for reasons I won't get in to.
> Have others observed this? Is it a bug? Is there a planned fix?
> I don't know Scala or Kafka well, but I have proposal for why this might
> happen: upon restart, a broker forgets when its log files have been
> appended to ("firstAppendTime"). Then a potentially infinite amount of time
> later, the restarted broker receives another message for the particular
> (topic, partition), and starts the clock again. It will then roll over that
> log after an hour.
> :
>   /* the maximum time before a new log segment is rolled out */
>   val logRollHours = Utils.getIntInRange(props, "log.roll.hours", 24*7, (1,
> Int.MaxValue))
> maybeRoll, which needs segment.firstAppendTime defined. It also has
> updateFirstAppendTime() which says if it's empty, then set it.

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