1. Take a look at #6 in http://kafka.apache.org/faq.html

2. Typically, you want each batch to have 10s-100s KB.

3. In the latest 0.8, we have 3 network threads and 8 io threads. These
should be good enough for typical users.



On Thu, Apr 25, 2013 at 2:30 PM, Yu, Libo <libo...@citi.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I have a few questions about configuring kafka 0.8.
> Assume I have 3 brokers, 10 consumers and 4 topics.
> 1         How many partitions should a topic have for best performance?
> Each broker has one partition? Or each producer should have a partition?
> 2         Batch size has big impact on performance, how to determine it
> optimally?
> 3         For multiple producers, do I need to increase
> num.network.threads and
> num.io.threads from the default of 2?
> Thanks.
> Regards,
> Libo

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