Hi Soby --

As far as I can tell the zkclient dependency is a leftover from 0.7.2.
With the exception of the migration tool, which has a comment along these
lines but I haven't looked into 0.8 uses the 0.2 version of the library
(available from maven). I submitted a patch to address this, it is in the
pipeline (http://j.mp/13uX6rs).

It is not as simple with the metics library as there are significant API
changes between the 3.0.0-c0c8be71 used in the Kafka code and
3.0.0-SNAPSHOT. There's an open item on that (http://j.mp/10ccTnE);
meanwhile the path of least resistance is to manually add the 2 metrics
JARs to the class path.

I have a fork that addresses the above and has a couple of other minor
fixes. With the caveat that it hasn't been reviewed by the Kafka team yore
welcome to have a look: http://j.mp/ZsSld2

Welcome to the club ;)


On 3/26/13 3:28 PM, "Soby Chacko" <sobycha...@gmail.com> wrote:

>I built kafka 0.8 with scala 2.9.2. However, I ran into some issues after
>publishing the 0.8-SNAPSHOT into my local maven repository. From my
>application, I simply depended on this new jar thinking that it would pull
>all the other dependencies transitively from a public maven repository. (I
>look in a handful of repos in my build script) But, it could not find the
>following 3 jars from any repository:
>I found these in the kafka 0.8 artifact that I built and was able to
>manually copy them. Are there any plans to make these jars available
>through any maven repositories, as they seem to contain custom changes?
>Appreciate any help.
>Soby Chacko

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