Hi Jason

You can download zookeeper, and use a client as zookeeper/bin/zkCli.sh
-server zkHost:zkPort. Then you can use the ls and get functions to list
the structure hierarchy or to see the contents at each of the nodes in the
hierarchy respectively. The data structures described in the wiki can be
viewed using get.


On 3/1/13 3:51 AM, "Jason Huang" <jason.hu...@icare.com> wrote:

>Thanks - I will definitely check that out.
>Any other options to suggest?
>On Fri, Mar 1, 2013 at 5:29 AM, Matan Safriel <ma...@cloudaloe.org> wrote:
>> You can use the eclipse zookeeper plugin, if you only want to
>> sporadically view state..
>> On Mar 1, 2013, at 11:49 AM, Jason Huang <jason.hu...@icare.com> wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> I am reading the "Kafka data structures in Zookeeper"
>>> document and trying to figure out how to view topic registration
>>> information from zookeeper.  Are these information stored in the
>>> zookeeper snapshot file in the hard drive? How can I view the topic
>>> registration info and partition state information from my running
>>> kafka server in 0.8?
>>> I am only running one kafka broker and one zookeeper in the same
>>> thanks!
>>> Jason

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