Replying to both messages inline:
On 2/16/13 9:07 PM, David Montgomery wrote:
By the way..I assume that python-kafka is gevent safe?
No idea, I've never used greenlet/gevent before. If the question is "are
you doing anything unusual in kafka-python", then the answer is no. Just
basic method calls and some socket stuff
On Sun, Feb 17, 2013 at 10:04 AM, David Montgomery <> wrote:
Ok...great...I see now about offsets. I see how I can manage on
restarts. Thanks!
So...considering I am in a disposable machine world then I will consider
redis as a centralized store. Makes sense?
You can certainly used Redis as a fast, in-memory queue. It is, of
course, an entirely different system with different design goals and
features. The applicability of Redis or Kafka depends on your use case.
What is the time frame for v8 release?
I believe it is farily imminent, maybe sometime in March?
On Sun, Feb 17, 2013 at 3:27 AM, David Arthur <> wrote:
I am the maintainer of kafka-python. Very cool to see it used in the wild.
The kafka-python library supports the low-level protocols of Kafka 0.7
(Produce/Fetch/MultiProduce/**MultiFetch). When you ask Kafka for
messages via a Fetch request, you specify an offset + range (much like
reading a file). The `iter_messages` helper returns an iterator that
automatically handles paging offsets through successive Fetch requests.
However, it does not support _saving_ your offsets. One of the parameters
to iter_messages is the offset to start at, so when you re-run your script
it will start at that point again.
In 0.7, clients must talk to ZooKeeper in order to persist offsets in a
Kafka-compatible way (or they could just save them locally depending on the
use case). Talking to ZooKeeper from Python is somewhat troublesome, and
implementing the Kafka "consumer group rebalancing" is even more
troublesome - so I chose to omit it.
In 0.8 (not yet released), consumer offsets are managed centrally by the
Kafka brokers and have APIs for clients to commit and fetch offsets. I am
in the process of implementing a 0.8 compatible version of kafka-python.
So for the time being, you are on your own with regards to offset
management :-/
On 2/16/13 1:35 PM, Philip O'Toole wrote:
You need to read the Kafka design docs. Kafka does not delete messages
just because a Consumer reads it. It does not track what messages have been
consumed by any Consumer.
It is up to Consumers to start off where they left off, by always asking
for the right message (via offsets).
On Feb 16, 2013, at 4:48 AM, David Montgomery <>
I have a zookeer and kafka set up.
I am using this python client:**
kafka-python <>
I can send and receive messages but they are not deleted.
How can I send a message to kafka and no other consumer can use it?
I feel I am missing something on how kafka works
def produce():
kafka = KafkaClient("", 9092)
kafka.send_messages_simple("**my-topic", "some message")
print 'done'
def consume():
kafka = KafkaClient("", 9092)
for msg in kafka.iter_messages("my-topic"**, 0, 0,
print 'done'
Every time I ran the above...everytime I ran consume the messages just
from previous messages.
Am I missing something on the file?