In testing our 0.8 cluster, we started by just using the sample file that ships with 0.8 and tweaking it. The replication factor property did not have an exemplar in the file, so we didn't include it. Naturally, the cluster did not do replication.
After sending some data through the tests, we then added replication factor=2 to the config and restarted the cluster. After a half-hour it did not appear to replicate the topic data we had generated during the first test. We had to erase the topics entirely and start from scratch. Replication then happened and when we took down a broker we saw the gaps in the topic data get filled in after restarting it. In the future, what is the correct way to get a Kafka cluster to change the replication factor on an existing topic? Will we have to flush all data from the cluster for a given topic, or is there a recommended way to convert existing data? Bob Jervis | Senior Architect [cid:image001.png@01CE083A.C1C14FC0]<> Seattle | Boston | New York | London Phone: 425.957.6075 | Fax: 781.404.5711 Follow Visibly Intelligent Blog<> [cid:image002.png@01CE083A.C1C14FC0]<>[cid:image003.png@01CE083A.C1C14FC0]<> [cid:image004.png@01CE083A.C1C14FC0] <>