We put a lot of info here:

Does that help?


On Tue, Jan 22, 2013 at 7:14 PM, S Ahmed <sahmed1...@gmail.com> wrote:

> In the wild, what sort of memory usage patterns have you guys seen with
> kafka?
> I'm not that well versed with java and its memory/gc issues, what have you
> guys experienced with your production brokers?  (assuming consumers and
> producers are not that much of an issue).
> How do you determine how much memory to allocate to a given broker?  Is it
> based on factors such as:
> 1. producers are mostly using batch versus single messages
> 2. messages per second
> 3. size of message payload
> 4. # of consumers connecting to a given broker
> etc.
> Is there a "magic" forumula?

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