Do you know why some of the brokers are much slower than others?



On Fri, Jan 4, 2013 at 12:24 AM, Raghu Angadi <> wrote:

> Producer distributes messages uniformly across the partitions.
> This does not work very well when some of the brokers are much slower than
> others. Is there a way to temporarily avoid such slow brokers?
> While async producers, I could avoid producers that have lot more messages
> in their internal queue compared to others (through my own Partitioners).
> But the queue size is not available. tried to maintain my own estimate of
> queue size using 'CallbackHandler', but API does not seem to provide enough
> info (it provides partition id, but not broker id. plus, CallbackHandler
> seems to be removed in 0.8).
> any suggestions?
> Kafka version : 0.7.1
> thanks,
> Raghu.

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