We use that fork of node-kafka without any issues. We have a 3 server cluster 
setup. Single topic, 3 partitions. No issues. Franz-kafka is on our "to check" 
list but no rush yet.

Kind regards,
Radek Gruchalski

On 22 Dec 2012, at 18:59, Apoorva Gaurav <apoorvagau...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Thanks Radek,
> We also are thinking of Java / Scala for Consumers, for Producers whether
> franz-kafka is a good choice?
> -- 
> Thanks & Regards,
> Apoorva
> On Sat, Dec 22, 2012 at 9:38 PM, Radek Gruchalski <
> radek.gruchal...@portico.io> wrote:
>> We started using node-kafka before we learned franz-kafka was available.
>> In node, franz-kafka would be my preferred choice now. But tbh, our
>> consumers are all java. node-kafka does not support consumer settings like
>> autooffset.reset and so on (or it is not obvious how to use those).
>> Afair franz-kafka offers those. Also, java zkconsumer gives you the jmx
>> monitoring tools, which may be helpful if you want to add some scaling
>> logic when consumer is lagging.
>> Our first choice is node too but we're consuming exclusively with java.
>> Hope this helps a little.
>> On 22 Dec 2012, at 05:21, Apoorva Gaurav <apoorvagau...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Which is the best ZK based implementation of kafka in node.js. Our use
>> case
>>> is that a pool of node js http servers will be listening to clients which
>>> will send json over http. Using node js we'll do minimal decoration and
>>> compression (preferably snappy) and write to brokers. We might also need
>>> json to avro conversion but thats not a deal breaker. Consumers will be
>>> writing these events to S3 (to begin with we don't plan to maintain HDFS
>>> cluster). To begin with we'll have to support a peak load of 50K events /
>>> second, average being much less, around 2K events / second. Suggestions
>>> please. Is any one using franz-kafka in production. I'm only two days
>> into
>>> kafka so don't know a lot, but franz-kafka looks clean and easy to work
>>> with.
>>> If none of the existing node.js implementation is capable of this then we
>>> are willing to move to Scala or Java but node.js is the first choice.
>>> Thanks & Regards,
>>> Apoorva
>>> On Sat, Dec 22, 2012 at 2:25 AM, Radek Gruchalski <
>>> radek.gruchal...@portico.io> wrote:
>>>> We are using https://github.com/radekg/node-kafka, occasionally pushing
>>>> about 2500 messages, 3.5K each / second. No issues so far. Different
>> story
>>>> with consumers. They are stable but under heavy load we experienced CPU
>>>> problems. I am the maintainer of that fork. The fork comes with ZK
>>>> integration. Another kafka module is this one:
>>>> https://github.com/dannycoates/franz-kafka.
>>>> Kind regards,
>>>> Radek Gruchalski
>>>> radek.gruchal...@technicolor.com (mailto:
>> radek.gruchal...@technicolor.com)
>>>> | radek.gruchal...@portico.io (mailto:radek.gruchal...@portico.io) |
>>>> ra...@gruchalski.com (mailto:ra...@gruchalski.com)
>>>> 00447889948663
>>>> Confidentiality:
>>>> This communication is intended for the above-named person and may be
>>>> confidential and/or legally privileged.
>>>> If it has come to you in error you must take no action based on it, nor
>>>> must you copy or show it to anyone; please delete/destroy and inform the
>>>> sender immediately.
>>>> On Thursday, 20 December 2012 at 18:31, Jun Rao wrote:
>>>>> Chris,
>>>>> Not sure how stable those node.js clients are. In 0.8, we plan to
>>>> provide a
>>>>> native C version of the producer. A thin node.js layer can potentially
>> be
>>>>> built on top of that.
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Jun
>>>>> On Thu, Dec 20, 2012 at 8:46 AM, Christopher Alexander <
>>>>> calexan...@gravycard.com (mailto:calexan...@gravycard.com)> wrote:
>>>>>> During my due diligence to assess use of Kafka for both our activity
>>>> and
>>>>>> log message streams, I would like to ask the project committers and
>>>>>> community users about using Kafka with Node.js. Yes, I am aware that a
>>>>>> Kafka client exists for Node.js (
>>>>>> https://github.com/marcuswestin/node-kafka), which has spurred
>> further
>>>>>> interest by our front-end team. Here are my questions, excuse me if
>>>> they
>>>>>> seem "noobish".
>>>>>> 1. How reliable is the Node.js client (
>>>>>> https://github.com/marcuswestin/node-kafka) in production
>>>> applications?
>>>>>> If there are issues, what are they (the GitHub repo currently lists
>>>> none)?
>>>>>> 2. To support real-time activity streams within Node.js, what is the
>>>>>> recommended consumer polling interval?
>>>>>> 3. General advise observations on integrating a front-end based
>> Node.js
>>>>>> application with Kafka mediated messaging.
>>>>>> Thanks you!
>>>>>> Chris

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