I'm not a big node.js user so I can't speak to any of the node.js clients. I
mostly use the Java/Scala client. Some clients attempt to support the ZooKeeper
consumer coordination, some don't (since it is hard to get right). There is
work in progress within Kafka to simplify the consumer offset management and
centralizing it to the brokers. This will make things easier for the clients
(no ZooKeeper communication necessary).
If node.js is you application language, you might try asking in their IRC
channel for people using Kafka.
Good luck
On 12/21/12 12:16 AM, Pratyush Chandra wrote:
Hi David,
I was looking into the listed node.js library. Prozess doesn't seem to use
zookeeper for connection.
Instead, I found one (mentioned below) which uses zookeeper based
connection in node.js .
Are you aware of this library ?
On Thu, Dec 20, 2012 at 7:26 PM, David Arthur <> wrote:
There are several clients available listed on the project wiki. Node.js is
among them**confluence/display/KAFKA/**
Since Kafka doesn't support the websockets or HTTP directly, you would
need a middle man to redirect events from the browser to a Kafka broker.
On 12/20/12 4:16 AM, Pratyush Chandra wrote:
I am new to Kafka. I am exploring ways to pump events from http
browser(using javascript) or over tcp (say using node js) to broker.
Currently I see, only scala based producer in source code.
What is the best way to do it ? Is there any standard client library which
supports it ?
Pratyush Chandra