Hm, alright. Haven't really used the method to anything besides getting
first and last offset (using -1 and -2 as timestamps IIRC) of a
topic+partition combination.

Maybe someone else can shed some light on this?


On 17 December 2012 19:51, Jason Huang <> wrote:

> Mathias,
> Thanks for response. I am not sure if this timestamp is the Unix time
> or not. I've tried the following:
> Create 3 messages of the same topic, at the same partition like this:
> 1355769714152: Jason has a new message 1
> 1355769964900: Jason has a new message 2
> 1355769980296: Jason has a new message 3
> I then tried to call getOffsetsBefore with a timestamp = 1355769964999
> (99 milliseconds after the timestamp in message two above), hoping to
> get some offset but the long array returned by the call is empty.
> Some google search found that getOffsetsBefore is based on the mime of
> the log segments. In other words, if I only have one log file
> 00000000000000000000.kafka in the topic directory (log/topic-0), then
> the offset array returned by this call will always be 0?
> If so, this API is probably not designed for my use case.
> thanks,
> Jason
> On Mon, Dec 17, 2012 at 1:40 PM, Mathias Söderberg
> <> wrote:
> > The SimpleConsumer API [1] has a method called getOffsetsBefore which
> takes
> > a topic, partition, timestamp (UNIX I assume since it's a long) and
> integer
> > limit on how many offsets to get.
> >
> > Might not solve your problem *exactly*, but could be useful, unless
> you're
> > using the ConsumerConnector?
> >
> > [1]:
> >
> >
> > On 17 December 2012 19:23, Jason Huang <> wrote:
> >
> >> Hello,
> >>
> >> Is it possible to fetch messages from the Kafka message queue since a
> >> specific time? For example, a user may subscribe to a topic and the
> >> producer will continuously publish messages related to this topic. The
> >> first time this user logs in, we will fetch all the messages from the
> >> beginning. However, the next time this user logs in, we want to only
> >> fetch the "new" messages. In other words, messages since the user's
> >> last log out time.
> >>
> >> Is there any API in Kafka that allows us to do that? I am not sure if
> >> Kafka actually stores a timestamp with each message as the message's
> >> meta data. If not, is there any way to fetch the offset related to the
> >> user's last log out time?
> >>
> >> One way that I can think of to do this is to store the offset of the
> >> last message this user consumers before he logged out of the system
> >> (persist this offset at a DB). The next time this user logs in, we
> >> will read the DB to get that offset and start from there to fetch
> >> messages. However, if there is a better way to do this in Kafka, then
> >> it will save me the work to write/read from the DB.
> >>
> >> thanks!
> >>
> >> Jason
> >>

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