Thanks a lot for your answer.

I am using zookeeper-3.3.5.jar now.

On Wed, Dec 5, 2012 at 10:41 AM, Neha Narkhede <> wrote:
> Jae,
> We modified the zkclient read API to expose the zookeeper Stat object.
> This is because we need to do conditional writes in some places in
> Kafka. Exposing the Stat object allows us to read the previous version
> of the zookeeper value, and we can use that to write the new value if
> the expected version of the previous value is correct.
> Are you using zookeeper client 3.3.4 or older ?
> Thanks,
> Neha
> On Wed, Dec 5, 2012 at 10:26 AM, Bae, Jae Hyeon <> wrote:
>> Could you share what changed in zkclient-20120522.jar?
>> I found that watchers were canceled when the zookeeper connection was
>> interrupted and reconnected with another application. If the new
>> zkclient-20120522 resolved this issue, I need to update this library
>> in my other projects.
>> I really appreciate
>> Thank you
>> Best, Jae

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