On 11/16/24 1:52 PM, Dave Wreski wrote:
Header add Link "<https://%{HTTP_HOST}e%{REDIRECT_PDF_CANONICAL_URL}e>;
rel=\"canonical\"" env=REDIRECT_PDF_CANONICAL_URL
However, the %{HTTP_HOST} variable doesn't seem to be set.
I don't think you can expect that environment variable to be defined.
Maybe you want to switch the value argument to use expr= syntax
instead so you can use more built-in values.
Do you mean something like this? This doesn't appear to work :-(
SetEnvIf Request_URI "(.+)\.pdf$" PDF_CANONICAL_URL=$1\.pdf
Header always set Link "<%{HTTP_HOST}e%{REDIRECT_PDF_CANONICAL_URL}e>;
rel=\"canonical\"" expr=%{REQUEST_URI} =~ m#(.*)pdf$#"
This is from the example provided in the docs
This appears to work, but I'd like to explore the expr option, as I'm
not sure what I've created is reliable and correct.
SetEnvIf Request_URI "(.*)\.pdf$" REQUEST=$1
Header set Link '<https://example.com%{REDIRECT_REQUEST}e.pdf>;
rel="canonical"' env=REDIRECT_REQUEST